Insights To What Causes Stress


One of the perennial questions that we hear is – what causes stress? Stress is often thought of as a negative aspect to life,...

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Replace Your Worries, Anxieties and Fears


Are you a worrywart? Do you find your mind frequently swamped with all kinds of worries and anxieties, from financial ones, to...

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Are Upcoming Changes in Your Life Causing You Worry and Anxiety?


Have you ever been faced with a significant change coming up in your life and felt a sense of worry and anxiety over how you would...

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Even If the World Were to End Tomorrow


In many aspects, life is full of uncertainty. There is the possibility of many things going wrong in the flash of an eye. One’s...

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A Look Out The Window Gives Some Perspective During Trying Times


Are you feeling a little low today? Are you unhappy about something, or feeling worried about some issue? Wherever you are –...

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Bible Verses on Gratitude, Worry and Living the Present


Here are a few meaningful verses from the Bible which I got off a poster. Whether or not you are a Christian does not affect your...

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